Investment-linked Planning

Investment-linked Planning

Product information

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  • Growth Potential & Flexibility: Investment-linked plans (ILPs) offer the potential for higher returns compared to traditional savings plans. Your money is invested in the market, allowing it to grow with the potential for significant gains over the long term. Many ILPs also provide flexibility to adjust your investment strategy by switching between different investment funds within the plan to suit your changing risk tolerance and financial goals.
  • Insurance Protection & Peace of Mind: ILPs are not just investment vehicles; they also offer built-in life insurance coverage. This provides peace of mind knowing your beneficiaries will receive a payout in case of your death. The payout amount may be linked to the account value or a guaranteed sum assured, whichever is higher.
  • All-in-one Convenience: ILPs combine investment and insurance into a single plan, simplifying your financial planning needs. You manage both aspects through one policy, streamlining your financial management and potentially reducing overall fees compared to holding separate investments and insurance policies.